National Crime Scene Cleanup: Serving New York and Northeastern States

National Crime Scene Cleanup: Serving New York and Northeastern States

What do you do when your New York property has become a crime scene? Cleanup is the responsibility of the property owner, not the police; when the yellow crime scene tape comes down, it’s up to you to make sure any biohazardous materials, including body fluids and tissue, are properly sanitized and disposed of according to local and state biohazard cleaning standards. New York State’s Department of Environmental Conservation, for example, has strict guidelines for disposal of biohazard materials, and New York City has its own prohibitions against discarding blood and human tissue in its waste disposal program. Even syringes must be delivered to and disposed of by professional biohazard professionals.

You’re not likely prepared—emotionally, logistically, or technically—to tackle the task of crime scene cleaning. And maybe you’re not aware that there are professional crime scene clean-up companies specifically trained to manage the aftermath of an unattended death, suicide, or violent assault. There are, and biohazard cleaners like us handle everything from death cleanup to biohazard removal.

When Should I Call National Crime Scene Cleanup? What Do I Need to Do?

National Crime Scene Cleanup - Nationwide Services

If you or a family member were the victim of a crime, or you discovered your loved one’s decomposing body, you’re likely quite upset right now. If you’re a property manager and the primary contact for emergency services, the impact of a violent death or undiscovered body is no less shocking, even without the emotional connection. Yet it’s imperative that biohazard clean up is completed as soon as possible. Body fluids can permanently damage the property, cause persistent bad odors, and attract pests if they’re not correctly removed and sanitized.

It’s tempting to try and clean up a crime scene yourself, even while you’re waiting for a crime scene cleaning company to arrive. Please don’t; in spite of your best efforts, you might make the situation worse and expand the death scene’s contaminated area. Focus on taking care of yourself and your loved ones, and let us handle the rest.

Gather your homeowner’s or renter’s insurance information, and call National Crime Scene Cleanup at 1-844-263-1522. Our customer service agents will coordinate with your insurance company to help you file your claim, and we’ll quickly arrange an estimate and send out a crew within hours.

You might want to review our Tips When Calling page so you’re prepared to provide the information we need to get started on your crime scene cleaning project. And don’t worry; we understand you’re traumatized, confused, and exhausted. Our job is to make things easier, from the time you first call us to the moment we return your property to you in pre-trauma condition.

Proudly Serving Businesses in New York, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey

National Crime Scene Cleanup: Serving New York and Northeastern StatesWe’re available to customers in the private, industrial, corporate, and retail sector nationwide. While our customer service associates and specially-trained biohazard clean up teams treat all our clients with the same level of respect, discretion, and professionalism, it does help to have customer contact information and insurance policy numbers on hand to expedite emergencies and prevent miscommunications with your organizations “chain of command”. Let us become an important component of your organization’s emergency plan, so your associates know who to call when there’s a work-related death or injury, a blood spill, or unattended death.

Does National Crime Scene Cleanup Service Areas Outside Northeastern States?

Yes. National Crime Scene Cleanup’s head office is in Patchogue, NY, and our Northeastern teams clean up crime scenes in New York, New JerseyPennsylvania, and Connecticut. As is indicated by our name, we have offices in most U.S. states, and we’re always expanding our service area. Our reputation precedes, us, as the saying goes, and while there’s always a demand for death cleanup, we’re known for our exemplary work, compassion, ethical standards, and professionalism. That’s why we’re trusted by those who’ve needed our services in the past, even if they have other options in their area.

In addition to the above states, we’re also ready to serve you wherever you are:

  • Washington, D.C. area
  • Delaware
  • Florida
  • Virginia
  • West Virginia
  • Maryland
  • Georgia
  • North Carolina
  • South Carolina
  • Alabama
  • Mississippi
  • Texas
  • Louisiana
  • Massachusetts
  • Arkansas
  • Tennessee
  • Kentucky
  • Oklahoma
  • Missouri
  • Kentucky
  • Colorado
  • Los Angeles area


What’s Your Contact Information Again?

Call us anytime at 1-844-263-1522. And by “anytime”, we mean 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You can read more about our crime scene cleaning services online at We also handle hoarding cleanup, suicide cleanup, odor removal, and meth lab cleanup, among other specialized hazmat and biohazard situations.