One of the most unfortunate aspects of a crime is that the person responsible for the trauma, pain and mess is not responsible for the actual cleanup of the crime scene, which they personally created. And in recent years, many acknowledge that this process is flawed. The act of cleaning up a crime scene requires extensive training, can be potentially dangerous to the one following through with the cleanup and requires specialized chemicals and protocol. Many times this discourages victims left with the mess of a crime scene on their hands from reaching out for help. In the midst of your dark times, Crime Scene Cleanup would like to inform you of a helpful Crime Victims Fund available in the USA. This fund has been developed so that the loss and trauma you’ve experienced doesn’t have to cost you anymore than it already has and you can get help, without worrying about the expenses.

Crime Victims Fund Revenue Sources

Releasing the criminal so that they can clean up their mess isn’t a situation that will likely to turn out well; which is why the Crime Victims Fund was created. Unlike many funds that are paid by taxpayers, this fund is actually funded by:

  • Criminal Fines
  • Forfeited Bail Bones
  • Collateral Profits from Crimes
  • Penalties
  • Private Gifts and Donations

Crime Victims Fund History

Ever wonder where the fines people pay that have broken the law go? Now you know and since its origination, in 1984 there’s more than 9 billion dollars of unspent funds to compensate victims across the entire U.S.A. You can breathe a sigh of relief knowing that the expenses, as a result of a crime, can be covered by this fund.

What does the Crime Victim Fund Compensate for?

  • Crime Scene Cleanup
  • Medical Expenses
  • Counseling Services
  • Lost Wages or Support
  • Funeral and Burial Costs
  • Forensic Exams
  • Many other Crime Related Expenses

Financial Assistance for Victims of Crime

Who can be awarded funding? The victims can include personally attacked, family members, close friends, property owners and anyone that has experienced added expense or mental anguish directly related to a crime. This fund has been put in place to help people afford the services they need to sort through what has happened, accept their new reality and continue to grow as a person and be happy.

Crime Scene Cleanup Financed By the Crime Victims Fund

Crime Scene Cleanup performs all of our nation-wide crime scene cleaning services through this fund. Our crime scene cleanup services are often completely free to victims of violent crimes that have left a property full of evidence and potentially infectious materials, such as blood, tissue and other bodily fluids. Don’t take on the task of cleaning up a violent crime yourself, hire professionals that have the proper training, experience, chemicals and are not experiencing the pain and shock that you are at this moment. Don’t think you have to do this alone, we are here for you, in your best interest and will see that the environment affected is restored, without costing you a fortune… if anything.

Federal and State Funded National Crime Scene Cleanup

The Crime Victims Fund is giving back to the greater good by using criminal fines and illegal income to help fund those that are experiencing difficulties – due to another’s harmful acts. Contact Crime Scene Cleanup if you are in need of our crime scene cleaning services, paid though this fund, and not out of your own pocket. You should not be responsible for another’s wrongdoing, you have enough to deal with. Contact our courteous staff 24/7/365 for questions or for nationwide crime scene cleaning services at 1-844-255-2461.