We considered writing a catchy title for this article. Something along the lines of “Five Ways to Cope With Surprise Grief”, but dealing with trauma, especially […]
This story contains graphic images. The incident that is now known as the “Lululemon Murder” is one of the most famous crime scenes in recent memory, […]
Popular television shows like CSI, Dexter, NCIS and Law & Order have popularized crime scene investigation (CSI) to the point that it has become the career choice for more […]
*If you or someone you know is in need of Crisis Cleanup services, contact 1-844-255-2461, 24/7 for nationwide assistance. No one wants to think about tragedies […]
Crime scene cleanup technicians occupy a very tight niche: people with the particular set of skills to remove biological matter and odors in some of the […]
What do you do when your New York property has become a crime scene? Cleanup is the responsibility of the property owner, not the police; when the yellow […]
My Property is a Crime Scene Your property has become the setting for a break-in, armed robbery, physical assault, or worse—the death a human being. Whether […]